Fully Electric Tube Bending Machines -
eMOB LR Series

right/left cnc tube bending machines
An excellent bender option if you are looking for a fast, simple machine with optimized cycles and an excellent price/quality ratio. Our Left and Right Fully Electric CNC tube bending machines can bend fixed and variable radii within the same cycle and allow bend-on-bend parts to be produced.
A carriage booster allows bends with radii as tight as 1D and also reduces clamping marks. eMOB LR Series allows automatic spring-back compensation as well as “in cycle” correction, stores tooling configuration and positions storage, runs 3D anti-collision simulation, and interpolates all the axes.
Fully-electric tube benders are the most energy-efficient machines on the market.
eMOB LR machines work at high speed with complete control, each and every axis is independently controlled.
Small in size but a giant in technology! eMOB LR machines are the most compact machines on the market with extraordinary results.
All machine activity is constantly monitored by an electronic motion control system, which provides information on the state of the machine, instructions, and any warning messages.