Industry 4.0 – The Lean Manufacturing Software Package!

Industry 4.0 – The Lean Manufacturing Software Package!

Industry 4.0

The global trend of Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products.

Manufacturers are integrating new technologies, including Internet of Things, cloud computing and analytics and machine learning into their production facilities and throughout their operations.

With the growing demand off fully automated and integrated tube bending machine solutions, AMOB grabbed the opportunity to facilitate its customers with the necessary software tools to measure and improve process reliability, machine availability and cycle times.


Smart factories are equipped with advanced sensors, embedded software and robotics that collect and analyze data and allow for better decision making. AMOB´s machine and software solutions facilitate a seamless migration of tube bending operations matching it with Industry 4.0 and Lean Manufacturing principles.

In line with the Lean Manufacturing principles the AMOB 3D Software is capable of collecting production related data in real-time. Data such as number of products produced per hour, working time, average units per hour, number products correct, operator data can collected and exported for further analyses. Also real time visualization of the actual performance against the set of KPI´s is possible by means of an integrated monitor with corresponding KPI dashboard.

AMOB´s extensive data collection and storage enable fact-based, data-driven Lean Six Sigma principles to be applied to a specific dataset for defect prevention and further process optimization.

This drives customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by reducing variation, waste, and cycle time, while promoting the use of work standardization and flow and creating a competitive advantage.

The AMOB software enables traceability and root cause analysis. Previous programs including changes are stored including operator data, the date of production and time details.

Also traceability for a specific product is possibile by adding a QR/DMC code on the product and implementing a readout to collect the data and match it with the date and time of production.

As the AMOB software is developed in-house the possibilities are endless please contact us to find out what added value we can create for you!

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