Minister of economy has visited AMOB

Minister of economy has visited AMOB

Dr. Pires de Lima, Minister of Economy

Dr. Pires de Lima, Minister of Economy, visited AMOB – Máquinas Ferramentas, SA, in Louro – Vila Nova de Famalicão.

The visit was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Innovation, Investment and Competitiveness Dr. Pedro Gonçalves; Dr. Miguel Cruz president of IAPMEI, AICEP representatives, Minister´s advisors, Portuguese Parliament Deputies, as well as a delegation of Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council, led by its president Dr. Paulo Cunha.
During the visit we had the opportunity to show some of the 50 years of AMOB´s history, as well to explain the strategy undertaken by the second generation of the Barros´s family in order to consolidate AMOB as the biggest world player.
The company reality is deeply marked by enormous dynamism, resilience, strong engineering capabilities, creation of new products with high added value and the customization of solutions tailored to customer needs.
A visit to the new manufacturing facilities culminated with the presentation of the latest project of Research and Development of the new range of electrical tube bender, designated “eMOB”. This new range of tube benders fully electric CNC, allows greater accuracy, speed and energy efficiency as the drive systems of the major mobile axles, hydraulic traditionally have been replaced by electric technology.
This is another example of the enormous capacity of development and engineering from AMOB, now the Minister of Economy, came to visit in loco promoting engineering Made in Famalicão and in particular Made in AMOB.


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